Create your Account
- Go to main page and click '회원가입' on the top right.
- You can sign up easily with existing social media account such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Naver.
- If you are using email address to sign up, you only have to type your email address, password, and nickname.
Activate your Account
- If you signed up with Twitter or email address, you have to activate your account. You can skip this if you used Google, Facebook, or Naver account to sign up.
- Navigation menu will be shown if you click your profile icon on the top right. Now, click [설정] > [이메일 인증].
- Confirm your email address or enter correct one, click '인증 메일 보내기(Send confirmation mail)'.
- Soon, you'll get mail from POSTYPE. Click the link in the middle to activate your account fully.
How to Buy
- If you see image below at the bottom of the post, you need to charge the point and buy the post to see the following.
-If you don't have enough point to buy the post, Click [내 포인트] >[포인트 충전].
- Select the charge amount. Enter your name, email, and contact number. Select PayPal and click '결제하기'.
- Overseas users can easily charge points with PayPal. Please refer to the 'Paypal Help Center' for more information.
- 1 point = KRW1. Every point is eligible for use.
- You can use the point to buy the posts or to support authors.
- You can check the point history on [내 포인트] > [포인트 내역].